Self Healing
Healing the Incurable Certain conditions are called curable and others incurable. The Science of the Mind recognizes a healing principle in the universe, this principle is evidently far more potent than human effort, and its effects have been observed by physicians and laymen in numerous instances where the patient has recovered from having been given […]
Today you are where you are, because of your thoughts! Some think that destiny has caused their current outcome, or some divine punishment is in progress, or they are bound in the hands of fate, or they blame someone else, or even their childhood experiences! What if your thoughts are responsible for your quality of […]
Why do men think about their ex-wives/girlfriends more than women do? It’s not uncommon for men to think about their ex-wives long after the relationship has ended. While every person’s experience is unique, there are several reasons why this may be the case. Here are a few possible explanations. First, men may think about their […]
Skill training is essential for humans for a variety of reasons: To improve job performance: Skill training can help individuals develop the knowledge, abilities, and techniques needed to perform their job responsibilities more effectively. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, career advancement, and higher pay. To adapt to changing technologies and work environments: As […]
Balancing mind and spirit is essential for overall well-being and a fulfilling life. The mind is the intellectual aspect of a person, responsible for thoughts, emotions, and decision-making. The spirit, on the other hand, refers to the non-physical aspect of a person, which includes their beliefs, values, and sense of purpose. When these two aspects […]
Past Lives may be real
Interactive Hypnotherapy can take away pain
From our experiences in childhood we create our adulthood misconceptions and life issues. What if we can remove them from the sub-conscious, will we lead a better life?
Develop your mind and self-awareness and you can conquer and co-create your world the way you want it!
Why are so many humans in crisis?