Interactive Hypnotherapy is a premium tool that can be used for releasing and clearing any and all major blockages and painful experiences in your life, while you remain in a place of safety and control. As well as help you to imagine and create a new life for yourself. And the great thing is that all sessions can now be done on phone or through Zoom from anywhere in the world. Interactive Hypnotherapy helps heal the hurts.
Hypnotherapy in its simplest form aids relaxation and stress management. As it becomes more advanced it benefits by implanting positive suggestions. At its still more advanced interactive levels it can be used to help heal the hurts of childhood and past lives. No matter what the trauma or its residue no matter what the illness or pain, Interactive hypnotherapy can help you. In most cases, I have found it is the quickest simplest and most effective way to help overcome any issues my clients face in life. Interactive hypnotherapy has the power to unlock even the deepest subconscious decisions and memories, even those formed in the womb and before this life began. These decisions may have been forgotten long ago, however, their effects continue to cause hurt and pain, and unrealistic expectations as you live your life. Often the challenges you face have their origins in very early childhood.
Release trauma, hurt and pain
Hypnotherapy constantly deals with issues that have been locked away for many years, sometimes for a lifetime. Even when you remember consciously that something happened you cannot always imagine the effect this had on you until you go back and revisit the situation and release all of its negative emotions, memories, and decisions. Through interactive hypnotherapy, you can locate and release the effects that childhood trauma, hurt, or pain created in your life.
“An important aspect of self-development and self-purification lies in making the connection between cause and effect. The greatest pain and dissonance in the human personality is the split that not only exists between the various levels of personality and consciousness but also between cause and effect. You suffer the effect without knowing the cause and that is a very hard and specific pain. A very painful pain.” Eva Pierrakos 1973.
Hypnosis is simply an altered state of consciousness and is very much like the state you experience twice a day nearly every day of your life. Each time you go to sleep and each time you’re waking from sleep you enter into an altered state of consciousness. You aren’t greatly concerned with the outside world you just allow your senses to begin to be less important as you drift into a pleasant relaxed state.
Access the causes of the issues
This is just like the state Hypnosis brings about and is also the state used to meditate or relax. Once that State is achieved it then allows your therapist to deepen it with words and appropriate music or other methods. In the safety of this state you are able to access the cause of the issues you are consulting the therapist about even when you consciously may have forgotten. A typical client: (Mary) calls to do something about her weight, she’s at her wits end. No matter what she has done, all the diets, all the stress and pain she hasn’t been able to successfully keep weight off.
Fill out a Case History Form and Stress Evaluation Questionnaire Online
After a Case History and Stress Evaluation Questionnaire are received and during her free strategy call, Mary decides what she wants to achieve and what her intention is for the session. During her session Mary is guided into a calm breathing pattern and her relaxation is deepened. Using the principles of interactive hypnotherapy and the tools of spiritual hypnotherapy I then create a way for her to imagine and visualise or feel the new weight and shape that is right for her. Then with her permission, I guide Mary to find out what the real cause of her being overweight is. Mary has come to see me about her weight, yes, but maybe her real problem is she sees herself as a failure which is her reaction to events in her childhood when she wasn’t supported with positive parenting. Through unhappiness and a deep belief, she isn’t good enough, she started eating as a child to compensate for needs that weren’t being met by her parents or surroundings. With simple hypnotherapy, I would use embedded commands and positive suggestions. Interactive Hypnotherapy and particularly Spiritual Hypnotherapy allows me to go much deeper and use inner guidance and Mary’s subconscious memory recall to find the true causes for her unhappiness.
Then through inner child education and rescue, the unhappiness can be released and with it the unstoppable desire to eat.
Mary comes out of the session knowing that she had been overeating because she was unhappy and blamed herself for how she was treated as a child. With her new information, she now has the power to stop punishing herself and can move forward in her life to live the life she wants.
In further sessions, if needed Mary can begin to see and understand her life differently as she becomes an empowered woman, learning to love herself.
The list of issues that come from our reaction to childhood hurts and traumas or even unkind words is well documented and includes:
Mistrust, unresolved neediness, narcissism, co-dependency, addictions and deep feelings of not being okay. Shame and doubt, fear of change, abandonment issues, lack of self-discipline, all or nothing extremes, rigidity, lack of balance and boundaries and even perfectionism. Guilt, control feelings, being stuck, intimacy problems in relationship, toxic guilt or feeling responsible for other people’s feelings. Inferiority, overly competitive, uncomfortable in groups, procrastination or fear of making mistakes, confused, drifting, feeling a lack of identity over-identification with a peer group or role e.g. sports star, rebel, star student etc lack of self-discipline or destructive lifestyle. Based on the works of Eric Ericsson and John Bradshaw.
Why is Interactive and Spiritual Hypnotherapy so powerful?
Interactive hypnotherapy has evolved from the works of Jungian Psychology, Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Inner Child Work and Channelled Guidance and has had phenomenal success with long-term emotional, physical and mental health problems as it allows issues to resolve at their own pace.
Interactive and Spiritual Hypnotherapy uses your own spiritual foundation to assist and guide you to your innate belief systems so that new understanding can be accepted and old patterns released. The therapist is there is a guide and support to connect you to your own inner truth. During your journey the therapist endeavours to introduce you to your inner guidance and to lead you to connect with the most powerful force within you, your higher self.
Negative energies are released
During the process any negative energies are released and you’re invited to imagine your life as you want it to be, your future self. From this point it is easy to begin to chip away at all that doesn’t create happiness in your life. Whether it is your own inability to handle your issues or to release the influence of others, with a firm foundation in place you will be amazed at the way your life can change for the better.
David Lomman
David specialises in helping his clients to become empowered in their lives. He uses Interactive and Spiritual Hypnotherapy and other methods that he’s learnt in his years as a Certified and Clinical Hypnotherapist, Naturopath and Workshop Facilitator. David loves guiding clients to a knowledge of their true selves.
If you are ready to change your life, call David on 0412 202 953 and leave a message or email him
He is available for private consultations by Zoom from anywhere in Australia or the world and by phone, or in-person on the Gold Coast, Queensland Australia.
Check out our website: for further details.
To book an appointment with David, fill out a Case History Form and Stress Evaluation Questionnaire Online and book in your free strategy call and get started changing your life today.
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